My Story…

I bow to the feet of Vanda Scaravelli who taught me to be sustained from the “ground” and to walk in the “new”.

Yoga is like a river that, for thousands of years, many streams and many springs feed along its course towards the great ocean, however, the first source of this river lies within each of us, deeply hidden. Often, only when we are lapped by the great river of tradition thirst for true knowledge is awakened. Tradition is water to quench our thirst and nourish our being but the true seed is in us and that’s what has to unfold and grow toward the sun.

I am a direct long time student of Vanda Scaravelli (author ofAwakening the Spine, 1991) she studied yoga with the personal tutition of B.K.S.Iyengar and then of T.K.V.Desikchar (both in the lineage of Krishnamacharya), she was also a very close friend of Jiddu Krishnamurty.

I started to study with Vanda in 1983 at the age of 26 having regular individual lessons until 1999. I was Vanda’s student during the last 17 years of her life, it deeply changed my life and practice. Now I continue to explore and share the teachings I have received from Vanda maintaining their simplicity and freedom. I teach yoga because I am happy to share the beauty of a practice that reaches you in a natural way.

I was born and live in Florence where I actually run my yoga studio in the center of town. I have been teaching classes, private lessons, workshops in Italy and abroad since 1987.

Rossella is a registered yoga teacher with YANI

Sono un’allieva diretta di Vanda Scaravelli (autore di Awakening the Spine, 1991). Vanda ha studiato yoga personalmente con B.K.S.Iyengar e con TKVDesikchar (ambedue nel lignaggio di Krishnamacharya). Vanda era anche una cara amica di J. Krishnamurty, e lo ha accompagnato per molti anni in Svizzera. Io ho iniziato a studiare con Vanda nel 1983, all’età di 26 anni ed ad avere lezioni individuali regolari fino al 1999. Sono stata allieva di Vanda durante gli ultimi 17 anni della sua vita,. Questo incontro ha profondamente cambiato la mia vita e la mia pratica yoga. Ora continuo a esplorare e condividere gli insegnamenti che ho ricevuto da Vanda mantenendo la loro semplicità e libertà. Io insegno yoga perché sono felice di condividere la bellezza di una pratica che ci raggiunge in modo naturale. Sono nata e vivo a Firenze dove da anni ho aperto il mio studio di yoga nel centro della città. Insegno regolarmente corsi di approfondimento, lezioni private, workshops intensivi in Italia e all’estero dal 1987.
Rossella è un’insegnante di yoga iscritta con l’associazione YANI.
  • January 28th: Seminar ‘Roots and Wings… Images in the Teaching of Vanda Scaravelli’, Centro Yoga Mandir Milano
  • October 7th 2023: Intensive Workshop “Gravity, breath, rhythm”, Centro yoga – Mandir Milano
  • September 10-17, 1-Week Intensive Workshop: Tuscany
  • August 28-September 4: Yoga and Stars under the Volcano: Stromboli, Sicily
  • May 6: Intensive Workshop “Gravity, breath, rhythm” Centro Yoga Milano – Yoga Mandir
  • July 1-8: Intensive Workshop for yoga instructors: Clare Island, Ireland
  • April 22-23: “Vanda Scaravelli teachings”, Copenhagen Lige her Lige Nu
  • January 26: Intensive Workshop, Centro Yoga Milano – Yoga Mandir
  • March 26: Workshop, Brescia
  • January 22: In-depth Workshop, Milan – Centro Yoga Milano – Yoga Mandir
  • May 7: In-depth Workshop, Milan – Centro Yoga Milano – Yoga Mandir
  • May 21-22: “Freedom” intensive workshop, Copenaghen – Lige her lige nu
  • July 2-9: Residential Workshop, Clare island – Ireland
  • September 17-25: Intensive Residential Workshop, Maremma – Tuscany
  • October 26: Centro Yoga Milano – Yoga Mandir
  • 2021 October 23-24 Copenhagen “On Intuition” intensive workshop
  • 2021 September 19-26 intensive workshop in Tuscany
  • 2021 August 28-September 4 Stromboli intensive workshop
  • 2020 February 1/2 Dublin-Ireland”Intimacy in the light of a new beginning”
  • 2020 January 18/19 Florence-Italy , intensive workshop
  • 2019 December 8 Brescia “Hips, earth, breath” intensive workshop
  • 2019 November 16/17 Copenhagen “Going beyond” Intensive workshop
  • 2019 August 31-September 7 Eolian Islands Italy  Intensive workshop
  • 2019 August 10/11 Tuskaer, Fjaltring DK “Intimacy” intensive workshop
  • 2019 August 9 Tuskaer, Fjaltring DK, Lecture “Feminine wisdom”
  • 2019 August 8/9 Tuskaer, Fjaltring DK, “Walking in the new” workshop
  • 2019 July 13/20 Clare Island, Ireland, Macalla Farm Intensive Workshop
  • 2019 August 10/11 Tuskaer, Fjaltring DK “Intimacy” intensive workshop
  • 2019 August 9 Tuskaer, Fjaltring DK, Lecture “Feminine wisdom”
  • 2019 August 8/9 Tuskaer, Fjaltring DK, “Walking in the new” workshop
  • 2019 July 13/20 Clare Island, Ireland, Macalla Farm Intensive Workshop
  • 2019 May  18/19  Copenaghen DK “Dance” intensive workshop
  • 2019 April 6/7  Deventer  NL, The yoga Huis in Twello, intensive workshop
  • 2019 March 24  Brescia Studio Brixia “Undoing” workshop
  • 2019 January 19/20 Copenhagen Denmark “Intimacy” intensive workshop
  • 2018  November 25  Brescia Studio Brixia  “From Trust to Energy..workshop”
  • 2018 September 22/23 Tuskaer, Fjaltring Denmark Yoga intensive
  • 2018 September 1/8 Stromboli, Sicily,  yoga week
  • 2018   July  13/20 Clare Island, Ireland,  Macalla Farm, Intensive workshop
  • 2018  June 16/17 Copenaghen, “With Kindness”, Intensive workshop
  • 2018  April 14/15 Deventer NL Intensive workshop Theyogahouse in Twello
  • 2017  December 2/3  Copenhagen “A new beginning” Intensive Workshop
  • 2017  November 19 Brescia “The dance of Life”with Kerry Maguire
  • 2017 September 2-9 retreat to Stromboli Sicily
  • 2017 July 14-22  Clare Island – Ireland intensive workshop
  • 2017 May 6-7 intensive seminar Copenaghen Denmark
  • 2017 April 8-9 Intensive Seminar at Twello Netherlands March
  • 2017 March 12 On Balance – Seminar in Brescia January
  • 2017 January 27 Yoga and the Art of Listening – FlorenceDecember
  • 2016 December 3-4 The Change Seminar for Teachers in Florence
  • 2016 November 12-13 Exploring the feminine Copenhagen DK
  • 2016 November 27 The Spine in Yoga Practice Brescia
  • 2016 August 27 – September 3 Intensive Week in Clare Island – Ireland
  • 2015 March 29 Meeting the Elements in Yoga Practice Brescia
  • 2015 from February to May monthly seminars in Florence
  • 2015 January 31 – February 1 In-depth seminars in Milan
  • 2014 November 30 Meeting the Elements in Yoga Practice Brescia
  • 2014 November 14-15-16 intensive seminar in Florence
  • 2014 November 1-2 seminar in Copenhagen
  • 2014 August 31 – September 6 week in intensive Stromboli
  • 2014 August 14-17 Workshop in Florence
  • 2014 July 2-19 Clare Island – Ireland
  • 2014 May 23-24-25 intensive in Florence
  • 2014 March 30, intensive seminar in Brescia
  • 2014 March 1-2 On Beauty intensive seminar in Deventer Holland
  • 2014 February 8-9 – Yoga is Freedom Copenhagen DK
  • 2013 November 24 Gravity breathing rhythm.. Brescia
  • 2013 November 15-16-17 intensive in Florence
  • 2013 March 17 Intuition in Yoga Practice Brescia
  • 2012 November 18 The pelvis, stability and fluidity Brescia
  • 2012 begins to teach seminars in Brescia at Yoga Studio Brixia
  • 2012 among the promoters of “The Yoga Teacher – Competences, Professional Profiles and Standards” conference – Florence
  • 2012 Masterclass at Shakti Yoga Center Genova where she later holds various seminars
  • 2012 conference for “Professional woman network” Florence
  • 2010 inizia ad insegnare regolarmente in Olanda presso Satyam Yoga dove si reca ogni anno
  • 2009 seminario residenziale sul Garda
  • 2009 insegna allo Yoga Festival di Milano ed inizia seminari regolari a Milano
  • 2008 è invitata a insegnare allo Yoga Festival di Milano
  • 2008 continua la collaborazione con Coordinamento regionale toscano “Tavolo yoga”
  • 2008 workshop in New York at The Breathing Project
  • 2008 seminario per insegnanti Namaste’ USA Dallas
  • 2007 Seminario intensivo per Inner Yoga Trust – UK
  • 2007 pubblicazione articoli su Yoga Therapy Ireland magazine
  • 2007 Seminario per insegnanti Yoga Theapy Ireland a Dublino
  • 2007 Pubblicazione articoli su Rossella sulla newsletter di Dansk Yoga
  • 2007 Seminario residenziale per insegnanti organizzato da Dansk Yoga
  • 2007 Seminario di approfondimento per insegnanti in New Mexico per Yoga Now
  • 2006 tiene il primo seminario a New York
  • 2006 inizia a tenere seminari regolari a Dublino fino al 2009
  • 2006 tiene il primo seminario a New York
  • 2006 inizia a tenere seminari regolari a Dublino fino al 2009
  • 2005 Yrish Yoga Association publishes an article on Rossella in Newsletter
  • 2005 begins regular teaching in Ireland, the first residential seminar at Clare Island sice then she will travel to Ireland each year
  • 2004 residential seminar in Antigua Caribbean for US students
  • 2003 continues to visit several times a year Denmark in various locations to lead seminars
  • 2003 ALT for damerne publishes Yoga I slow motion article of 3 pages on Rossella Baroncini first workshop in DK
  • 2002 began to hold in-depth seminars twice a year in Copenhagen
  • 2001 begins to hold summer residential seminars in Sicily – Stromboli every year
  • 2000 begins to hold residential seminars in Italy where yoga teachers participate
  • 1996 opens his own “Studio yoga” in Florence as a freelance professional 1992 began studying in Florence at various studios
  • 1991 resumes teaching yoga following what she is learning from Vanda Scaravelli
  • 1990 continues to study intensively with Vanda Scaravelli until 1999
  • 1988 will continue to study with Dona Holleman until 1990
  • 1987 trained as a teacher with of Dona Hollemann begins to hold courses under her supervision
  • 1983 begins to study with Vanda Scaravelli individually
  • 1983 is attending an intensive course in Pune with B.K.S. Iyengar India 1981 began practicing yoga with Dona Hollemann in Florence